Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Blog 22: Independent Component 2

I, Isaiah Garcia, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 120 hours of work

I used my volunteer hours at the LASD Explorer Program.  
I completed my hours by going on ride along, attending city event to help the communities relation with Law Enforcement, and  I went go to meeting at the LASD Walnut/Diamond Bar/Rowland Heights Sheriff Station.

During my ride alongs I would get first hand training on how communication with Law Enforcement and the community really is like. I saw how important it is to have a good relationship because it can change the outcome of any situation. I also saw how important it is to show that Law Enforcement is here to help the community not make the community fear them. Through city event I helped build relations by talking to the community. I helped by showing younger generations that Law Enforcement are here to help them. In one case I helped reunite a mother and her child. During my Explorer meeting we would go over what actions to take on certain calls that a deputy would be called out for.

It helped me because of the first hand training I got. During a ride along I had to go to a home to help fill out some paper work on a possible unhealthy environment for a child to live in. It turned out that the claim was untrue but I found out that the kids mother was last seen in the custody of LASD. The kids were extremely shy to talk with the deputy and myself. The deputy went out of cop mode and into parent mode. He began to talk to the kids in a calmer manner and tried to connect with the kids. I tried to make them more relax by giving the kids little "Jr Deputy" stickers. By the time we left the home the kids wouldn't stop talking to us with tremendously big smile about video games. Through this I believe we helped change the kids view on Law Enforcement.

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